M2M Marketplace

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One click, many lenders

Chamber Members Save 22.5% in Bill Collection Services

Commercial or consumer or debt? You deserve to get paid. Companies like yours have relied on us to successfully collect since 1973. Know us, before you need us.

You deserve to get paid.

Discount on Services!

Internationally Renowned Medical Aesthetics Clinic & Medispa. Nonsurgical and noninvasive treatments. Medical Grade Rejuvenation Treatments, Products and Education. First Impressions Rejuvenation Clinic’s are recognized as leaders and pioneers in the Aesthetic industry in Atlantic Canada. The first full time clinics in Atlantic Canada fully devoted to nonsurgical rejuvenation services, established 2013. Dedicated to safe and informed care, and natural patient results.

Commissionaires First Aid Discount Code

You can book onto one of our First Aid courses at commissionaires.ca/en/services/training and enter the code CHAMBER10 into the 'Redemption Code' box. If you'd like to book a private group session at our training centre instead, please contact Emily Thompson at emily.thompson@commissionaires.ns.ca and quote the code in the email.
